He loves His people; all His holy ones are in His hands

I will trust in the Lord for He is good, faithful, and just.  He has wonderful plans for me, and I know He holds my future.

Dear Lord, open our hearts and our minds to the power of Your Word, which as we read, we may know, understand, and obey Your Word for us today.  We pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.  (Author unknown)

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DAILY DEVOTIONAL – Saturday, June 29, 2024

For more Helpful Inspirational Material:

May you find comfort, encouragement, guidance, hope, inspiration, love, and peace – https://helpfulinspirationalblog.wordpress.com/. May you also find answers to your question(s) through the Scriptures that address every situation you face, and help with your problems.  Deb

Today’s daily reading:

[He loves His people; all His holy ones are in His hands]


Scripture reading:

Deuteronomy 33:1-5, 12 – This is the blessing that Moses, the man of God, gave to the people of Israel before his death:

“The Lord came from Mount Sinai and dawned upon us from Mount Seir; he shone forth from Mount Paran and came from Meribah-kadesh with flaming fire at his right hand.  Indeed, he loves his people; all his holy ones are in his hands.  They follow in his steps and accept his teaching.  Moses gave us the Lord’s instruction, the special possession of the people of Israel.  The Lord became king in Israel—when the leaders of the people assembled, when the tribes of Israel gathered as one.”

Moses said this about the tribe of Benjamin: “The people of Benjamin are loved by the Lord and live in safety beside him.  He surrounds them continuously and preserves them from every harm.”

Today’s story is by:  Anne Cetas

Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him.  –Deuteronomy 33:12

To express her sadness, Allie, a young girl, wrote on a piece of wood and set it in a park: “To be honest, I’m sad.  Nobody ever wants to hang out with me, and I have lost the only person that listens.  I cry every day.”

When someone found that note, she brought sidewalk chalk to the park and asked people to write their thoughts to Allie.  Dozens of words of support were left by students from a nearby school: “We love you.”  “God loves you.”  “You are beloved.”  The school principal said, “This is one little way that we can reach out and maybe help fill [her void].  She represents all of us because at some point in time we have all or will all experience sadness and suffering.”

The phrase “You are beloved” reminds me of a beautiful blessing by Moses to the Israelite tribe of Benjamin just before he died . . . (Deuteronomy 33:12).  Moses had been a strong leader for God, defeating enemy nations, receiving the Ten Commandments, and challenging them to follow God.  He left them with God’s view of them.  The word beloved can be used of us as well, for Jesus said, “God so loved the world that He gave [us] his one and only Son” (John 3:16).

As God helps us to rest securely in the truth that every believer in Jesus is “beloved,” we can reach out to love others as Allie’s new friends did.

[If you would like to journal, reflect, meditate, or pray on today’s reading:]

– How are you learning to rest securely in God’s love?

– How will you share that love with others?

Prayer: May I be confident in Your love for me, dear God, and spread Your love to those around me.


Here is the link for Our Daily Bread website: https://odb.org/

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